Published On: July 21st, 20220.7 min readCategories: Fire Safety0 Comments on Busiest Day for the Fire Brigade Since WWII141 wordsTags: ,

The UK just hit 40℃ for the first time on 19th of July. During the heatwave 16 London firefighters were injured and two were taken to hospital.

The London Fire Brigade received 2,670 calls, rather than 500 they receive on a daily basis. This was the busiest day for London Fire Brigade since World War II. The hot weather, which reached 41C in some places, meant firefighters dealt with more than 1,146 incidents across London in one day, including many fires which took place in south London. Out of all these incidents there was only one major fire in Erith where 28 people were rescued.

The Brigade’s Assistant Commissioner, Jonathan Smith, said: “Firefighters across London worked in very difficult conditions to protect Londoners and their heroic actions mean no lives were lost.

“I am immensely proud of them and their dedication in such unprecedented heat.”

